hello and welcome to the world of foxy music


the electricmusicfox at work

on the electricmusicfox blog i’d like to present some stuff regarding hardware-based synthesizers which is somehow interesting to me. i’d like to focus on modular systems and mainly emphasize on the topic of euro-rack compatible systems. in particular, i like modifications and diy-projects. maybe, this might be a way to start communication and establish new contacts to other passionated enthusiasts. unfortunately, all of my projects are strictly non-commercial. thus,  i will neither sell any items nor accept any commissioned works. sorry my time is as short as yours.

best wishes & thanks!

2 Responses to “hello and welcome to the world of foxy music”

  1. Interesting, but, have you thought about heat disipation in such a compressed space ? My opinion at a glance is that can be an issue after a while the system functioning.


    • thank you for this comment – indeed, i thought about it. in general, this can be a problem. i still have to do some further testings, but acidlab pointed out that the pow module hast to be attached directly to a metal frame. so the heat can dissipate to the rack. i think the modules shouldn’t be an issue… however, i did not feel a temperatur change at the surface (e.g. at the bottom or on the top/wogglebug, even after some hours after switchin on the system).

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